
1938年創業 刃物屋三秀関刃物ミュージアム。地元の老舗刃物屋三秀は、工場直売の小売販売店としてのパイオニア的存在です。オリジナル商品やここでしか手に入らない、25代藤原兼房刀匠プロデュースの包丁「Kanefusa Special」を販売。また、国内初となる民間企業が所有・運営する「関刃物ミュージアム」は、日本刀鍛冶鍛錬施設を有し刀鍛冶の実演見学体験ができ、関の刃物の歴史や、製造方法等を紹介することにより、刃物製品の背景を学ぶことが出来る施設です。
Cutler SANSYU since 1938 The cutler SANSYU, a long-established cutlery shop based in Seki, is a pioneer of factory-direct retail sales.You can buy the very exclusive products, such as the “Kanefusa Special” kitchen knives supervised by the Master FUJIWARA Kanefusa, 25th generation, only available here. “The Cutler SANSYU Seki Hamono Museum”, For the First time ever in Japan, owned and operated by an entrepreneur.Our museum provides a place where visitors can observe and experience the traditional craftsmanship of swordsmithing, and allows people learn the background of Seki Cutlery by introducing the history of Seki and manufacturing methods, etc. The excellent functionality and design are highly evaluated and loved by professionals and cooks.