
明治6年の創業より岐阜県関市で刃物の製造・販売業を営んでおります。OEMや関連製品の輸出入も行っておりますが、近年では包丁をメインにした『和 NAGOMI』ブランドをはじめ、関市の刃物製造技術を活かした自社ブランドの展開に力を入れております。
We started the business in 1873 in Seki city where is the one of the three major cutlery capitals of the world. We have been manufacturing OEM products which are not only kitchen knives but tableware, kitchenware and outdoors knives for the customers all over the world.
In recent years we have been focusing on developing our own brand that makes use of Seki City’s knife manufacturing technology. including the “NAGOMI” brand.
We strive to manufacture only the quality products that customers can use for a long time.