
1953年の創業以来、刃物の製造販売を営んでいます。 創業当時は、ハンチングナイフ、ダイバーナイフ、刀から始まり、漁具金物を中心に商品製造販売を行ってきましたが、近年では日本食ブームということもあり、包丁が人気あります。
軽くて丈夫にできています。 食洗機対応の商品であります。
Since our founding in 1953, we have been manufacturing and selling cutlery. At the time of our founding, we began manufacturing and selling hunting knives, diver knives, and swords, with a focus on fishing gear hardware, but in recent years, with the Japanese food boom, kitchen knives have become popular.
The all-stainless steel Damascus knife pictured above is the most stylish and elegant.
This is a great dish. Of course, it is also superior in terms of functionality. The blade was layered over and over again.
The beautiful Damascus pattern and ergonomic handle make it easy to grip.
It is lightweight and durable. This product is dishwasher safe.
Each knife is carefully carved, making it unrivaled.