1. 鈴木刃物工業株式会社



Made In Seki,Japanの誇りとともに、世界へ


Beginning with the manufacture of scissors for export in 1960, we have continued to propose various versatile scissors to society, and for half a century since then, we have pursued high quality under the themes of the pursuit of affluence, things and heart, and harmony with nature.We have continued to devote ourselves to technological innovation, and today we have actively promoted product proposals to specialized fields and have developed into the company that contributes to society.Since 1997, we have expanded our production bases overseas, and we have been working on the development of manufacturing products with the global perspective, and we are making further studies and efforts in the coexistence of local communities and the global environment

〒501-3928 岐阜県関市西田原235
TEL:0575-24-3001  FAX:0575-24-3177


〒 501-3874 岐阜県関市平和通4-12-6
TEL 0575-22-4941 FAX 0575-22-4942
営業日 年中無休 (但し、年末年始を除く)
営業時間 午前9時~午後5時